Let´s not stay friends (still in Update) by Niasalia Frenz Route 'Fall in love with a grumbler' (Ending 3) Ignore him Not at all Stay with Frenz Deny his propostion politely Calm Frenz down Save it for later I´m not his girlfriend But we ARE useless in combats of course, I´m not! WHEN a relationship comes to an end, couples have to make the painful decision about whether or not to stay friends. But a study found people who displayed “dark personality traits” including. Let`s not stay friends Friendship is a wonderful thing unless you are friends with a girl who has no idea you have feelings for her! Inske, a student of magical arts, is troubled by the upcoming outdoors exam, and can't even imagine that someone might want to use the test as an opportunity to get close to her.

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Video Summary
If your ex says he or she wanted to be friends it can be confusing when they decide to ignore you. Clay Andrews, a relationship coach attempts to answer why people often ignore their ex and what you should do about it.

‘Let’s Be Friends’ softens the blow
Frequently when someone breaks up with you they are feeling guilty. Agreeing to be friends lets them not come off as the bad guy. They feel guilty about the pain they are inflicting and saying ‘let’s be friends’ is a way for them to soften the blow. They don’t necessarily mean they want to continue to see you platonically. When couples part ways there are two different emotions that are created. One person is left feeling rejected and the other person is left feeling guilty. The one breaking off the relationship plays the friend card to feel better.

You and your ex are not friends
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It’s important that you are honest with yourself. You want a romantic relationship with this person. Your ex still cares for you and may even still have feelings for you but they are acting from a place of guilt. The two of you are not friends and are not going to be friends. Furthermore, being friends is not going to help you rebuild the relationship.
Establish Active No Contact
Follow through with active no contact. Don’t try to maintain friendship. Once you have completed the steps to active no contact, then you can reach out to your ex again and try to reestablish romance.
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If you are honest with yourself you will see that friendship is not what you want from this person. Furthermore, you will see that they don’t really want to be friends with you either. You and your ex are not friends, and moving into this position is not going to help you win your ex back. In fact, you may even end up in a position to be taken advantage of. Follow through with active no contact and then you can attempt to reach out to your ex in a romantic, not friendly, manner.
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About Clay Andrews
Clay Andrews is a dating and relationship coach who helps women find the right type of man they can create a loving and thriving relationship with. He is the creator of Ex Solution Program- a program that helps couples get back together. To know more about Clay, visit his website below.
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