„Listen! The end is nigh!! Hear my words and prepare! An ancient cult has set foot in our lands! They call themselves -The Sons of Dawn- and pray to some dark elder god.
They have started recruiting people for their cause all over the country. I fear that they want to try to awaken something which should be left sleeping. Something dangerous and sinister! Something that might destroy us all. Spend your last of days wisely...“Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Enter the world of PIXEL HEROES and prepare yourself for a thrilling RPG/Roguelike experience like you have never seen before! Pixel Heroes Byte & Magic „Listen! The end is nigh!! Hear my words and prepare! An ancient cult has set foot in our lands! They call themselves -The Sons of Dawn. Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic Trophies. Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic. 6,270 1,170 56 1 1 6 48. 116 1 (1%) Be creative! Trophy in Pixel Heroes. Finish 6 dungeons during one adventure. Have you got any tips or tricks to unlock this trophy? Add a guide to share them with the community. Pixel Heroes: Byte and Magic. Headup Games GmbH & Co. 21 Ratings Description „Listen! The end is nigh!! Hear my words and prepare! An ancient cult has set foot in our lands! They call themselves -The Sons of Dawn- and pray to some dark elder god. They have started recruiting people for their cause all over the country.
Enter the world of PIXEL HEROES and prepare yourself for a thrilling RPG/Roguelike experience like you have never seen before!
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic - study randomized world, a joyful events, critical and dungeons of strange NPC, you'll like the soon-or getting run over in the fun! Elect 3 characters for your party and take them on the road, Coy would be different in any recent launch of fun.

Choose three heroes for your party and take them on a journey that will be completely different each time you start a new game. Bath in a pool of procedurally generated loot and defeat the evil forces that threaten the township of Pixton!

• 30 unique hero classes to unlock, each with individual skills and attributes.
• More procedurally generated axes, spears, maces, swords, shields, bows, crossbows, spells and prayers than a lama has hair on its body.
• 13 mystic and beautifully cruel dungeons to explore. With epic bossfights waiting!
• Permadeath! You know you want it.
• A detailed graveyard where you can mourn your dead heroes, compare their statistics and see which of their choices led to their tragic death.
• Completely crazy NPCs, each one of them with a significant storyline that you can follow to unlock cool stuff!
Pixel Heroes Byte & Magic Review

• Tons of random events that you will encounter on your way, expecting you to make important choices. Will you yell at the cat like a crazy idiot?
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
• Many achievements and unlockables, try to get them all and become the best Pixel Heroes player in the world!Heroes Of Might And Magic 5 Download
• Achievements via Google Play Game Services
• Tablet support