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The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds 1400 1800
Author | : Claire Jowitt,Craig Lambert,Steve Mentz |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 610 |
Release | : 2020-05-21 |
ISBN 10 | : 1000075761 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781000075762 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds, 1400‒1800 explores early modern maritime history, culture, and the current state of the research and approaches taken by experts in the field. Ranging from cartography to poetry and decorative design to naval warfare, the book shows how once-traditional and often Euro-chauvinistic depictions of oceanic ‘mastery’ during the early modern period have been replaced by newer global ideas. This comprehensive volume challenges underlying assumptions by balancing its assessment of the consequences and accomplishments of European navigators in the era of Columbus, da Gama, and Magellan, with an awareness of the sophistication and maritime expertise in Asia, the Arab world, and the Americas. By imparting riveting new stories and global perceptions of maritime history and culture, the contributors provide readers with fresh insights concerning early modern entanglements between humans and the vast, unpredictable ocean. With maritime studies growing and the ocean’s health in decline, this volume is essential reading for academics and students interested in the historicization of the ocean and the ways early modern cultures both conceptualized and utilized seas.
The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds 1400 1800
Author | : Taylor & Francis Group |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 632 |
Release | : 2020-06-24 |
ISBN 10 | : 9780367471842 |
ISBN 13 | : 0367471841 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds, 1400‒1800 explores early modern maritime history, culture, and the current state of the research and approaches taken by experts in the field. Ranging from cartography to poetry and decorative design to naval warfare, the book shows how once-traditional and often Euro-chauvinistic depictions of oceanic 'mastery' during the early modern period have been replaced by newer global ideas. This comprehensive volume challenges underlying assumptions by balancing its assessment of the consequences and accomplishments of European navigators in the era of Columbus, da Gama, and Magellan, with an awareness of the sophistication and maritime expertise in Asia, the Arab world, and the Americas. By imparting riveting new stories and global perceptions of maritime history and culture, the contributors provide readers with fresh insights concerning early modern entanglements between humans and the vast, unpredictable ocean. With maritime studies growing and the ocean's health in decline, this volume is essential reading for academics and students interested in the historicization of the ocean and the ways early modern cultures both conceptualised and utilised seas.
The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds 1400 1800
Author | : Claire Jowitt,Craig Lambert,Steve Mentz |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 610 |
Release | : 2020-05-21 |
ISBN 10 | : 9781003048503 |
ISBN 13 | : 1003048501 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
'The Routledge Companion to Marine and Maritime Worlds, 1400-1800 explores early modern maritime history, culture, and the current state of the research and approaches taken by experts in the field. Ranging from cartography to poetry and decorative design to naval warfare, the book shows how once-traditional and often Euro-chauvinistic depictions of oceanic 'mastery' during the early modern period have been replaced by newer global ideas. This comprehensive volume challenges underlying assumptions by balancing its assessment of the consequences and accomplishments of European navigators in the era of Columbus, da Gama, and Magellan, with an awareness of the sophistication and maritime expertise in Asia, the Arab world, and the Americas. By imparting riveting new stories and global perceptions of maritime history and culture, the contributors provide readers with fresh insights concerning early modern entanglements between humans and the vast, unpredictable ocean. With maritime studies growing and the ocean's health in decline, this volume is essential reading for academics and students interested in the historicization of the ocean and the ways early modern cultures both conceptualised and utilised seas'--
Reign Books In Order
Author | : Anonim |
Publsiher | : Anonim |
Total Pages | : 329 |
Release | : 2020 |
ISBN 10 | : 9780367505134 |
ISBN 13 | : 0367505134 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Sailing School
Author | : Margaret E. Schotte |
Publsiher | : JHU Press |
Total Pages | : 320 |
Release | : 2019-07-30 |
ISBN 10 | : 1421429543 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781421429540 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Throughout the Age of Exploration, European maritime communities bent on colonial and commercial expansion embraced the complex mechanics of celestial navigation. They developed schools, textbooks, and instruments to teach the new mathematical techniques to sailors. As these experts debated the value of theory and practice, memory and mathematics, they created hybrid models that would have a lasting impact on applied science. In Sailing School, a richly illustrated comparative study of this transformative period, Margaret E. Schotte charts more than two hundred years of navigational history as she investigates how mariners solved the challenges of navigating beyond sight of land. She begins by outlining the influential sixteenth-century Iberian model for training and certifying nautical practitioners. She takes us into a Dutch bookshop stocked with maritime manuals and a French trigonometry lesson devoted to the idea that 'navigation is nothing more than a right triangle.' The story culminates at the close of the eighteenth century with a young British naval officer who managed to keep his damaged vessel afloat for two long months, thanks largely to lessons he learned as a keen student. This is the first study to trace the importance, for the navigator's art, of the world of print. Schotte interrogates a wide variety of archival records from six countries, including hundreds of published textbooks and never-before-studied manuscripts crafted by practitioners themselves. Ultimately, Sailing School helps us to rethink the relationship among maritime history, the Scientific Revolution, and the rise of print culture during a period of unparalleled innovation and global expansion.
The Geography of Transport Systems
Author | : Jean-Paul Rodrigue,Claude Comtois,Brian Slack |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 416 |
Release | : 2013-07-18 |
ISBN 10 | : 1136777326 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781136777325 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Mobility is fundamental to economic and social activities such as commuting, manufacturing, or supplying energy. Each movement has an origin, a potential set of intermediate locations, a destination, and a nature which is linked with geographical attributes. Transport systems composed of infrastructures, modes and terminals are so embedded in the socio-economic life of individuals, institutions and corporations that they are often invisible to the consumer. This is paradoxical as the perceived invisibility of transportation is derived from its efficiency. Understanding how mobility is linked with geography is main the purpose of this book. The third edition of The Geography of Transport Systems has been revised and updated to provide an overview of the spatial aspects of transportation. This text provides greater discussion of security, energy, green logistics, as well as new and updated case studies, a revised content structure, and new figures. Each chapter covers a specific conceptual dimension including networks, modes, terminals, freight transportation, urban transportation and environmental impacts. A final chapter contains core methodologies linked with transport geography such as accessibility, spatial interactions, graph theory and Geographic Information Systems for transportation (GIS-T). This book provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the field, with a broad overview of its concepts, methods, and areas of application. The accompanying website for this text contains a useful additional material, including digital maps, PowerPoint slides, databases, and links to further reading and websites. The website can be accessed at: This text is an essential resource for undergraduates studying transport geography, as well as those interest in economic and urban geography, transport planning and engineering.
Reimagining Indian Ocean Worlds
Author | : Smriti Srinivas,Bettina Ng'Weno,Neelima Jeychandran |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 288 |
Release | : 2020-06-24 |
ISBN 10 | : 1000062163 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781000062168 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This book breaks new ground by bringing together multidisciplinary approaches to examine contemporary Indian Ocean worlds. It reconfigures the Indian Ocean as a space for conceptual and theoretical relationality based on social science and humanities scholarship, thus moving away from an area-based and geographical approach to Indian Ocean studies. Contributors from a variety of disciplines focus on keywords such as relationality, space/place, quotidian practices, and new networks of memory and maps to offer original insights to reimagine the Indian Ocean. While the volume as a whole considers older histories, mobilities, and relationships between places in Indian Ocean worlds, it is centrally concerned with new connectivities and layered mappings forged in the lived experiences of individuals and communities today. The chapters are steeped in ethnographic, multi-modal, and other humanities methodologies that examine different sources besides historical archives and textual materials, including everyday life, cities, museums, performances, the built environment, media, personal narratives, food, medical practices, or scientific explorations. An important contribution to several fields, this book will be of interest to academics of Indian Ocean studies, Afro-Asian linkages, inter-Asian exchanges, Afro-Arab crossroads, Asian studies, African studies, Anthropology, History, Geography, and International Relations.

Sailors and Traders
Author | : Alastair Couper |
Publsiher | : University of Hawaii Press |
Total Pages | : 256 |
Release | : 2008-12-09 |
ISBN 10 | : 0824864239 |
ISBN 13 | : 9780824864231 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Written by a senior scholar and master mariner, Sailors and Traders is the first comprehensive account of the maritime peoples of the Pacific. It focuses on the sailors who led the exploration and settlement of the islands and New Zealand and their seagoing descendants, providing along the way new material and unique observations on traditional and commercial seagoing against the background of major periods in Pacific history. The book begins by detailing the traditions of sailors, a group whose way of life sets them apart. Like all others who live and work at sea, Pacific mariners face the challenges of an often harsh environment, endure separation from their families for months at a time, revere their vessels, and share a singular attitude to risk and death. The period of prehistoric seafaring is discussed using archaeological data, interpretations from interisland exchanges, experimental voyaging, and recent DNA analysis. Sections on the arrival of foreign exploring ships centuries later concentrate on relations between visiting sailors and maritime communities. The more intrusive influx of commercial trading and whaling ships brought new technology, weapons, and differences in the ethics of trade. The successes and failures of Polynesian chiefs who entered trading with European-type ships are recounted as neglected aspects of Pacific history. As foreign-owned commercial ships expanded in the region so did colonialism, which was accompanied by an increase in the number of sailors from metropolitan countries and a decrease in the employment of Pacific islanders on foreign ships. Eventually small-scale island entrepreneurs expanded interisland shipping, and in 1978 the regional Pacific Forum Line was created by newly independent states. This was welcomed as a symbolic return to indigenous Pacific ocean linkages. The book’s final sections detail the life of the modern Pacific seafarer. Most Pacific sailors in the global maritime labor market return home after many months at sea, bringing money, goods, a wider perspective of the world, and sometimes new diseases. Each of these impacts is analyzed, particularly in the case of Kiribati, a major supplier of labor to foreign ships.
The Sea and Civilization
Author | : Lincoln Paine |
Publsiher | : Vintage |
Total Pages | : 800 |
Release | : 2015-10-27 |
ISBN 10 | : 1101970359 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781101970355 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
A monumental retelling of world history through the lens of maritime enterprise, revealing in breathtaking depth how people first came into contact with one another by ocean and river, lake and stream, and how goods, languages, religions, and entire cultures spread across and along the world's waterways, bringing together civilizations and defining what makes us most human. Lincoln Paine takes us back to the origins of long-distance migration by sea with our ancestors' first forays from Africa and Eurasia to Australia and the Americas. He demonstrates the critical role of maritime trade to.
Towards a Climate Neutral Europe
Author | : Jos Delbeke,Peter Vis |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 224 |
Release | : 2019-11-06 |
ISBN 10 | : 1000750930 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781000750935 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This book explains the EU’s climate policies in an accessible way, to demonstrate the step-by-step approach that has been used to develop these policies, and the ways in which they have been tested and further improved in the light of experience. The latest changes to the legislation are fully explained throughout. The chapters throughout this volume show that no single policy instrument can bring down greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge facing the EU, as for many countries that have made pledges under the Paris Agreement, is to put together a toolbox of policy instruments that is coherent, delivers emissions reductions, and is cost-effective. The book stands out by the fact it covers the EU’s emissions trading system, the energy sector and other economic sectors, including their development in the context of international climate policy. This accessible book will be of great relevance to students, scholars and policy makers alike.
Maritime Safety and Security in the Indian Ocean
Author | : Dr Vijay Sakhuja,Dr Kapil Narula |
Publsiher | : Vij Books India Pvt Ltd |
Total Pages | : 144 |
Release | : 2016-09-01 |
ISBN 10 | : 9385563793 |
ISBN 13 | : 9789385563799 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This book provides a comprehensive view of the maritime safety and security challenges in countries of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). Various issues such as trans-national crime including piracy, terrorism, drug and arms smuggling; Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) and maritime and aeronautical Search and Rescue (SAR); Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and resource management for sustainable development are viewed from the perspectives of IORA members. It also discusses the role of cooperative organisational structures and the need for capability building and capacity optimization in the light of existing legal frameworks for enhancing maritime safety and security in the Indian Ocean.
Assembling the Tropics
Author | : Hugh Cagle |
Publsiher | : Cambridge University Press |
Total Pages | : 400 |
Release | : 2018-08-31 |
ISBN 10 | : 1107196639 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781107196636 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This book charts the convergence of science, culture, and politics across Portugal's empire, showing how a global geographical concept was born. In accessible, narrative prose, this book explores the unexpected forms that science took in the early modern world. It highlights little-known linkages between Asia and the Atlantic world.
Shipwreck Modernity
Author | : Steve Mentz |
Publsiher | : U of Minnesota Press |
Total Pages | : 264 |
Release | : 2015-12-10 |
ISBN 10 | : 1452945543 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781452945545 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Shipwreck Modernity engages early modern representations of maritime disaster in order to describe the global experience of ecological crisis. In the wet chaos of catastrophe, sailors sought temporary security as their worlds were turned upside down. Similarly, writers, poets, and other thinkers searched for stability amid the cultural shifts that resulted from global expansion. The ancient master plot of shipwreck provided a literary language for their dislocation and uncertainty. Steve Mentz identifies three paradigms that expose the cultural meanings of shipwreck in historical and imaginative texts from the mid-sixteenth through the early eighteenth centuries: wet globalization, blue ecology, and shipwreck modernity. The years during which the English nation and its emerging colonies began to define themselves through oceangoing expansion were also a time when maritime disaster occupied sailors, poets, playwrights, sermon makers, and many others. Through coming to terms with shipwreck, these figures adapted to disruptive change. Traces of shipwreck ecology appear in canonical literature from Shakespeare to Donne to Defoe and also in sermons, tales of survival, amateur poetry, and the diaries of seventeenth-century English sailors. The isolated islands of Bermuda and the perils of divine anger hold central places. Modern sailor-poets including Herman Melville serve as valuable touchstones in the effort to parse the reality and understandings of global shipwreck. Offering the first ecocritical account of early modern shipwreck narratives, Shipwreck Modernity reveals the surprisingly modern truths to be found in these early stories of ecological collapse.
Marine Mammal Welfare
Author | : Andy Butterworth |
Publsiher | : Springer |
Total Pages | : 625 |
Release | : 2017-06-19 |
ISBN 10 | : 3319469940 |
ISBN 13 | : 9783319469942 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Marine mammals attract human interest – sometimes this interest is benign or positive – whale watching, conservation programmes for whales, seals, otters, and efforts to clear beaches of marine debris are seen as proactive steps to support these animals. However, there are many forces operating to affect adversely the lives of whales, seals, manatees, otters and polar bears – and this book explores how the welfare of marine mammals has been affected and how they have adapted, moved, responded and sometimes suffered as a result of the changing marine and human world around them. Marine mammal welfare addresses the welfare effects of marine debris, of human traffic in the oceans, of noise, of hunting, of whale watching and tourism, and of some of the less obvious impacts on marine mammals – on their social structures, on their behaviours and migration, and also of the effects on captivity for animals kept in zoos and aquaria. There is much to think and talk about – how marine mammals respond in a world dramatically influenced by man, how are their social structures affected and how is their welfare impacted?
Handbook on Marine Environment Protection
Author | : Markus Salomon,Till Markus |
Publsiher | : Springer |
Total Pages | : 1024 |
Release | : 2018-01-31 |
ISBN 10 | : 3319601563 |
ISBN 13 | : 9783319601564 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This handbook is the first of its kind to provide a clear, accessible, and comprehensive introduction to the most important scientific and management topics in marine environmental protection. Leading experts discuss the latest perspectives and best practices in the field with a particular focus on the functioning of marine ecosystems, natural processes, and anthropogenic pressures. The book familiarizes readers with the intricacies and challenges of managing coasts and oceans more sustainably, and guides them through the maze of concepts and strategies, laws and policies, and the various actors that define our ability to manage marine activities. Providing valuable thematic insights into marine management to inspire thoughtful application and further study, it is essential reading for marine environmental scientists, policy-makers, lawyers, practitioners and anyone interested in the field.
Science and Empires
Author | : P. Petitjean,Cathérine Jami,A.M. Moulin |
Publsiher | : Springer Science & Business Media |
Total Pages | : 418 |
Release | : 2012-12-06 |
ISBN 10 | : 9401125945 |
ISBN 13 | : 9789401125949 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
SCIENCE AND EMPIRES: FROM THE INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM TO THE BOOK Patrick PETITJEAN, Catherine JAMI and Anne Marie MOULIN The International Colloquium 'Science and Empires - Historical Studies about Scientific De velopment and European Expansion' is the product of an International Colloquium, 'Sciences and Empires - A Comparative History of Scien tific Exchanges: European Expansion and Scientific Development in Asian, African, American and Oceanian Countries'. Organized by the REHSEIS group (Research on Epistemology and History of Exact Sciences and Scientific Institutions) of CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), the colloquium was held from 3 to 6 April 1990 in the UNESCO building in Paris. This colloquium was an idea of Professor Roshdi Rashed who initiated this field of studies in France some years ago, and proposed 'Sciences and Empires' as one of the main research programmes for the The project to organize such a colloquium was a bit REHSEIS group. of a gamble. Its subject, reflected in the title 'Sciences and Empires', is not a currently-accepted sub-discipline of the history of science; rather, it refers to a set of questions which found autonomy only recently. The terminology was strongly debated by the participants and, as is frequently suggested in this book, awaits fuller clarification.
Connected Worlds
Author | : Ann Curthoys,Marilyn Lake |
Publsiher | : ANU E Press |
Total Pages | : 278 |
Release | : 2006-03-01 |
ISBN 10 | : 1920942459 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781920942458 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
This volume brings together historians of imperialism and race, travel and modernity, Islam and India, the Pacific and the Atlantic to show how a 'transnational' approach to history offers fresh insights into the past. Transnational history is a form of scholarship that has been revolutionising our understanding of history in the last decade. With a focus on interconnectedness across national borders of ideas, events, technologies and individual lives, it moves beyond the national frames of analysis that so often blinker and restrict our understanding of the past. Many of the essays also show how expertise in 'Australian history' can contribute to and benefit from new transnational approaches to history. Through an examination of such diverse subjects as film, modernity, immigration, politics and romance, Connected Worlds weaves an historical matrix which transports the reader beyond the local into a realm which re-defines the meaning of humanity in all its complexity. Contributors include Tony Ballantyne, Desley Deacon, John Fitzgerald, Patrick Wolfe and Angela Woollacott.
A Short History of the World s Shipping Industry
Author | : C. Ernest Fayle |
Publsiher | : Routledge |
Total Pages | : 344 |
Release | : 2013-11-05 |
ISBN 10 | : 1136606319 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781136606311 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
First Published in 2005. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Culture of Piracy 1580 1630

Author | : Professor Claire Jowitt |
Publsiher | : Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. |
Total Pages | : 242 |
Release | : 2013-04-28 |
ISBN 10 | : 1409476014 |
ISBN 13 | : 9781409476016 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Listening to what she terms 'unruly pirate voices' in early modern English literature, in this study Claire Jowitt offers an original and compelling analysis of the cultural meanings of 'piracy'. By examining the often marginal figure of the pirate (and also the sometimes hard-to-distinguish privateer) Jowitt shows how flexibly these figures served to comment on English nationalism, international relations, and contemporary politics. She considers the ways in which piracy can, sometimes in surprising and resourceful ways, overlap and connect with, rather than simply challenge, some of the foundations underpinning Renaissance orthodoxies-absolutism, patriarchy, hierarchy of birth, and the superiority of Europeans and the Christian religion over other peoples and belief systems. Jowitt's discussion ranges over a variety of generic forms including public drama, broadsheets and ballads, prose romance, travel writing, and poetry from the fifty-year period stretching across the reigns of three English monarchs: Elizabeth Tudor, and James and Charles Stuart. Among the early modern writers whose works are analyzed are Heywood, Hakluyt, Shakespeare, Sidney, and Wroth; and among the multifaceted historical figures discussed are Francis Drake, John Ward, Henry Mainwaring, Purser and Clinton. What she calls the 'semantics of piracy' introduces a rich symbolic vein in which these figures, operating across different cultural registers and appealing to audiences in multiple ways, represent and reflect many changing discourses, political and artistic, in early modern England. The first book-length study to look at the cultural impact of Renaissance piracy, The Culture of Piracy, 1580-1630 underlines how the figure of the Renaissance pirate was not only sensational, but also culturally significant. Despite its transgressive nature, piracy also comes to be seen as one of the key mechanisms which served to connect peoples and regions during this period.
Purple Reign Book
The Mindful Couple
Rain Reign Book
Author | : Craig Lambert,Debbie Lambert |
Publsiher | : Hawk Press |
Total Pages | : 260 |
Release | : 2019-11-11 |
ISBN 10 | : 9781733313308 |
ISBN 13 | : 1733313303 |
Language | : EN, FR, DE, ES & NL |
Reigns Companion Book
Couples therapists Craig and Debbie Lambert offer 52 strategies-one for each week of the year-for a happier, healthier relationship. Backed by the Lamberts' combined decades of experience, The Mindful Couple provides heartfelt advice for creating better dynamics and bringing more kindness, responsibility, and pleasure into your partnership.