Tribal Pass - OST & Art

Due to the COVID-19 Emergency and Prevention Initiatives that the Oglala Sioux Tribe and the OST Coronavirus Taskforce have been addressing and implementing on the reservation, the Tribe is seeking to develop a Oglala Sioux Tribe COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund.

  1. Tribal Pass - Ost & Artifacts
  2. Tribal Pass - Ost & Artist
  3. Tribal Pass - Ost & Artwork

The Native American tribe took action after Noem led efforts to pass a state law targeting demonstrations such as those in neighboring North Dakota that plagued the Dakota Access oil pipeline. The OST Tribal Council honored Mr. Canis, Arent Fox LLP/Attorney at Law who was the pro-bono attorney for the Alltel deal, during a Session of the Tribal Council on June 1, 2011. Photos Courtesy of Stacy Two Lance, OST Secretary’s Office.

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has had detrimental impacts on impoverished communities internationally. The Oglala Sioux Tribe is the poorest county in the United States and one of the poorest Indian Reservations in the Nation. The Oglala Sioux Tribe created a Task Force to plan for a worst-case scenario in the event that this virus enters our communities locally and our tribal membership.

Unfortunately, like many Indian Reservations, the Oglala Sioux Tribe must advocate for these needs more aggressively than States. We are sometimes overlooked.

PassTribal Pass - OST & Art

We are developing a COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund to assist the Oglala Sioux Tribe in acquiring needed medical supplies, develop quarantine protocols that give the tribe access food and decontamination supplies in case of a local pandemic event.

Tribal pass - ost & artist

Tribal Pass - Ost & Artifacts

Your donation will help assist the Oglala Sioux Tribe is sustaining a robust approach in providing this needed care and the implementation of effective plans of action to treat and prevent a high impact of the COVID-19 on the reservation.

Tribal Pass - Ost & Artist

Tribal Pass - OST & Art

Tribal Pass - Ost & Artwork

Thank you for your needed help..